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Alcohol Addiction

When alcohol consumption starts to affect your life in negative ways or you find it hard to go a day or two without drinking, it’s time to reach out for help. Whether it’s causing issues at work, with your family and relationships, or keeping you from achieving personal goals, what you might call heavy drinking can actually become an alcohol addiction quicker than you may think. 

Alcohol is a drug you can become physically dependent on when you abuse it. People who become dependent on alcohol get to a point where they physically need it everyday, and it can actually be dangerous to try to stop drinking without medical assistance. If you or someone you love is dealing with the effects of alcohol addiction, our team is here to help.

Warning Signs

  • You consistently drink more than planned.
  • Alcohol use — ie. going out, buying alcohol, consuming it, feeling sick after drinking, or recovering from the effects of drinking too much— takes up a lot of your time.
  • Your tolerance for alcohol has increased.
  • You find yourself craving alcohol.
  • You find it hard to go a day or two without drinking.
  • You have given up other activities you used to enjoy because of your drinking habits.
  • You have issues performing at work or school or following through on responsibilities.
  • Your drinking causes friction in your personal life and relationships.
  • You make unsafe decisions because of your drinking, such as driving drunk, fighting, or putting yourself in other risky situations.
  • You have found yourself in legal trouble as a result of your drinking.
  • Your drinking habits make you feel physically unwell.
  • You experience physical symptoms of withdrawal.
overall healing
Treating Alcohol Addiction

At Focus, you’ll find caring staff and a supportive community to help you achieve lasting sobriety. Our treatment addresses underlying emotional concerns to help uncover root causes of the addiction in a judgment-free, compassionate setting. Our program framework includes:

  • 24-hour medical and behavioral monitoring
  • Onsite medical detox
  • Individual and group therapy with Master’s level therapists using elements of Acceptance andCommitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Outdoor/adventure programming
  • Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness
  • Expressive therapies such as art and music therapy
  • 12-step program philosophies
  • Psychoeducation and skill building groups
  • Family therapy and support
  • Nutrition counseling (as needed)
  • Weekly therapeutic outings
  • Intensive relapse prevention

We care.

Why Focus?

Helping others find healing and recovery is our passion and life’s work. We work together to create a safe and compassionate treatment environment for everyone who walks through our doors.
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We're experienced.

Why Focus?

Our experienced and multidisciplinary team is made up of doctors, therapists, dietitians, nurses, and support staff who are great at what they do. We’re wholly committed to providing the best possible care.
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We've been there too.

Why Focus?

Many of us are walking our own paths of recovery. That means we understand your struggles first hand because many of us have experienced the same adversities ourselves. We believe this insight helps us better support you.
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A Program That Meets Your Needs

Seeking treatment is a big step, and we’re here to help you find the right program for you or your loved one. Learn more about our program offerings through the link below.


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Recovery Today

When changing course, the first step is often the hardest. We’re here to help you take that first step and support you along the way.